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Publications on the topic of “Sustainability needs Innovation”

Asset Publisher

Adobe Stock / kilimanjaro

Energy transition? Yes, but please make it sustainable!

Appeal for an environmentally friendly, secure and affordable energy supply in Germany

15 April 2024 marks the anniversary of the shutdown of the last three nuclear power plants in Germany. An opportunity to take stock of Germany's energy transition. Our short policy paper suggests guidelines for making the energy transition sustainable.


Gesellschaftliche Chancen und Risiken Künstlicher Intelligenz im politischen Prozess

Eine dreiteilige Vorlesungsreihe an der Technischen Universität Darmstadt.

Mobility Transformation

This joint publication with the Korea Transport Institute (KOTI) provides an exemplary overview of visions and approaches in Germany and Korea for their respective Mobility Transformation.

Adobe Stock / chingching

Climate Finance: a Matter of Justice?

How much? What for? Who is going to pay for it?

Although climate finance is always on the agenda at annual world climate conferences, a common understanding of what it means is still lacking. Systemic risks continue to plague financial engagement in the Global South - and the risk of corruption is also mounting with the ever-increasing sums of money involved. The effectiveness of climate finance depends not only on the amount of money committed, but also on good governance and accountable institutions.

Die Entdeckung der Tiefsee - Prof. Dr. Antje Boetius in Freiburg

Was uns die Meere über den Klimawandel verraten und was wir tun können

Antje Boetius verdeutlichte bei Ihrem fulminanten Vortrag in Freiburg spannende Zusammenhänge zwischen dem menschengemachten Klimawandel und dem Zustand der Meere und der Tiefsee.


ESG principles and Disclosures in United Kingdom and South Africa (The Third Report)

Interdisciplinary Journal of Economics and Business Law (IJEBL)

Authors: Ruth Taplin (Professor and Director, Centre for Japanese and East Asian Studies, London UK; Editor, Interdisciplinary Journal of Economics and Business Law) and Neels Kilian (Associate Professor, Law Faculty, University of the North West, South Africa)


EU-Kazakhstan Green Hydrogen Partnership

Mapping Barriers and Establishing a Roadmap

Striving for the transition to climate neutrality, the EU plans to import 10 million tons of green hydrogen annually by 2030. To this end, the EU is looking for hydrogen exporters globally. Kazakhstan has significant potential for developing renewable hydrogen, due to its abundant solar and wind resources. Yet significant obstacles and challenges remain. The policy paper illustrates key problems in the production of green hydrogen in Kazakhstan and develops policy recommendations for an EU-Kazakhstan Green Hydrogen Partnership.

Adobe Stock / Wolfgang Jargstorff

Bioenergy: An Underestimated Pillar of the Energy Transition

Challenges and Opportunities for Bioenergy

Against the backdrop of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, energy supply security has become a new priority, as a result of which bioenergy is also attracting greater attention again as a domestic energy source. Key framework conditions for bioenergy are changing this year due to a series of changes in legislation, such as the amendment of the German Building Energy Act (Gebäudeenergiegesetz), the German Renewable Energy Act (Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz) and the European Renewable Energy Directive.

One Year Inflation Reduction Act

Initial Outcomes and Impacts for US-EU Trade and Investment

Max Gruenig is a Senior Policy Advisor at the E3G Washington Office. We asked him to gather initial evidence of impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act on cleantech trade and investment. One of his conclusions: “Overall, the IRA is expected to only have a marginal impact on the transatlantic economy, while contributing to the decarbonization in the US and, by extension, the global transition to net zero.”

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ChatGPT in der Schule.

Künstliche Intelligenz als Herausforderung für den Unterricht

Bericht zu unserem Online Mittagsgespräch mit Dr. Patrick Bronner über KI, ihren Potentialen und Risiken und darüber, wie sie sinnvoll in den Unterricht integriert werden kann