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Imago / ZUMA Wire

Country Reports

Rome's perspective on the Gaza war

by Michael Feth, Dr. Nino Galetti

A diplomatic balancing act on both sides of the Tiber

The Gaza war poses a dilemma for two centers of power in Rome: Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni's government, with its clear pro-Israel stance, is out of step with the majority of society for the first time since taking office. The longer the Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip continue and the humanitarian situation worsens, the more sympathy there is for the Palestinian side. The Holy See, which traditionally sees itself as the protector of Arab Christians and guardian of biblical sites, is increasingly distancing itself from the Netanyahu government. However, there are deeper reasons for this. The difficult situation in the Holy Land poses challenges for both sides. An analysis.

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The full-length country report ist currently only available in German. 

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Dr. Nino Galetti


Leiter des Auslandsbüros Italien +39 06 6880-9281 +39 06 6880-6359


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Media library

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