Asset Publisher

An error occurred while processing the template.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> data.meta [in template "252001#252047#252845" at line 459, column 10]
Tip: It's the step after the last dot that caused this error, not those before it.
Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (
FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
- Failed at: #if data.meta.laufendenummer?has_cont... [in template "252001#252047#252845" at line 459, column 5]
1<#-- used @ Veranstaltung-Detailseite Intro 
2 used @ Publikation-Detailseite Intro 
6Web content templates to display teaser on thema detail page 
8Generic template for detail pages Intro / Teaser element 
11Display the current page title 
13<#include "${fullTemplatesPath}/functions/relatedContentUtil.ftl" /> 
14<#include "${fullTemplatesPath}/macros/debugging.ftl" /> 
16<#include "${fullTemplatesPath}/macros/page-modules/PMIntro.ftl" /> 
17<#include "${fullTemplatesPath}/macros/atomic-modules/AMPublicationCarousel.ftl" /> 
18<#include "${fullTemplatesPath}/macros/atomic-modules/AMMetadata.ftl" /> 
19<#include "${fullTemplatesPath}/macros/atomic-modules/AMDatetime.ftl" /> 
23 renders the Intro for nearly all Pages 
24 TODO: remove Share? (was in the designs, but not anymore?) 
25 TODO: check if languageSelect/filter are working (js) 
27 - portletId 
28 - data = { 
29 "media": string (src from image), 
30 "category": string, 
31 "title": string, 
32 "author": string, 
33 "subheadline": string, 
34 "copy": string, 
35 "filter": { 
36 "id": string, 
37 "name": string, 
38 "entries": Array<Object> ({key:value}), 
39 }, 
40 "languageSelect": { 
41 "id": string, 
42 "name": string, 
43 "entries": Array<Object> ({key:value}), 
44 }, 
45 "meta": { 
46 "pos"; string (top/bottom) 
47 "date": string, 
48 "hash": string, 
49 "info": string, (url) 
50 }, 
51 "share" : { 
52 "login": string, 
53 "print": string, 
54 "mail": string, 
55 "multishare": string?? (tbd) 
57 - AMMetadata: macro 
58 - position: String ("top") -> defines wether the meta-data should be rendered above or below the intro-content 
63 JournalArticleLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService") 
65 ServiceContext = staticUtil["com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ServiceContextThreadLocal"].getServiceContext() 
66 DLAPP = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.document.library.kernel.service.DLAppLocalService") 
68 themeDisplay = ServiceContext.getThemeDisplay() 
69 editmode = FrontendService.user.isPrivilegedUser(themeDisplay) 
71 languageId = themeDisplay.getLocale() 
72 groupId = themeDisplay.getScopeGroupId() 
73 currentUrl = themeDisplay.getURLCurrent() 
75 layout = themeDisplay.getLayout() 
76 layouttpl = layout.getTypeSettingsProperties().getProperty("layout-template-id") 
79<#setting locale="${languageId}"> 
81<#-- get article from url --> 
83<#assign entry = FrontendService.article.getArticleToUrl(currentUrl, groupId?number)! > 
86<#if entry?has_content> 
88 <#if entry.resourcePrimKey??> 
89 <#assign primaryKey = entry.resourcePrimKey?number > 
90 <#elseif entry.classPK??> 
91 <#assign primaryKey = entry.classPK?number > 
92 </#if> 
94 <#assign 
95 jsonString = FrontendService.article.getWebcontent(primaryKey) 
96 json = FrontendService.json.parseAsJson(jsonString) 
98 title = entry.getTitle(languageId) 
99 data = { 
100 "title": title 
102 /> 
103 <@debugJsonString jsonString "ADT_KASDE_DYNAMIC_INTRO" /> 
105 <#if hasContent('untertitel', languageId, json)> 
106 <#assign data = data + { "subheadline": getValueForLanguage('untertitel', languageId, json, "first") } > 
107 </#if> 
109 <#if hasContent('beschreibung', languageId, json)> 
110 <#assign data = data + { "copy": getValueForLanguage('beschreibung', languageId, json, "first") } > 
111 </#if> 
113 <#-- fill meta data --> 
114 <#assign meta = {} /> 
117 <#if layouttpl?contains("LAYOUT_KASDE_PUBLIKATIONEN_DETAIL")> 
119 <#if hasContent('coverDMTKASDEMEDIUM', languageId, json)> 
120 <#assign 
121 coverBildString = getValueForLanguage('coverDMTKASDEMEDIUM', languageId, json, "first") 
122 /> 
124 <#if coverBildString?has_content> 
125 <#assign 
126 coverBild = FrontendService.json.parseAsJson(coverBildString) 
127 dMTJsonObject = coverBild.groupId?number, coverBild.uuid, locale ) 
128 linkToDMT ='hd-resolution',coverBild.groupId?number, coverBild.uuid ) 
129 data = data + { "media": linkToDMT, "meta" : dMTJsonObject } 
130 /> 
131 <#if dMTJsonObject.altText?? > 
132 <#assign data = data + {"alt" : dMTJsonObject.altText} /> 
133 </#if> 
134 <#if dMTJsonObject.quelle??> 
135 <#assign meta = meta + { "quelle": dMTJsonObject.quelle } /> 
136 </#if> 
137 </#if> 
138 <#-- uncomment to display pdf cover as Intro Image 
139 <#elseif hasContent('document_pdfDMTBASICDOCUMENT', languageId, json)> 
140 <#assign 
141 pdfDocument = getValueForLanguage('document_pdfDMTBASICDOCUMENT', languageId, json, "first") 
142 fileEntry =, groupId?number)!/> 
143 <#if fileEntry?has_content> 
144 <#assign 
145 linkToThumbnail = , themeDisplay) 
146 data = data + { "media": linkToThumbnail } 
147 /> 
148 </#if> 
149 --> 
150 </#if> 
152 <#assign 
153 meta = meta + { "orderInfo": "true" } 
154 verbundJournalArticle = FrontendService.publication.getVerbundToPublikation( entry )!"" 
155 /> 
159 <#if hasContent('erscheinungsdatum', languageId, json)> 
160 <#assign 
161 erscheinungsdatum = getValueForLanguage('erscheinungsdatum', languageId, json, "first") 
162 /> 
163 <#if erscheinungsdatum?has_content > 
164 <#assign 
165 erscheinungsdatumFormatted = erscheinungsdatum, languageId ) 
166 meta = meta + { "date": erscheinungsdatumFormatted } 
167 /> 
168 </#if> 
169 </#if> 
171 <#if verbundJournalArticle?has_content> 
172 <#assign 
173 verbundJsonString = FrontendService.article.getWebcontent(verbundJournalArticle.resourcePrimKey) 
174 verbundJson = FrontendService.json.parseAsJson(verbundJsonString) 
175 laufendenummer = getValueForLanguage('laufendenummer', languageId, verbundJson, "first") 
176 coverImg = getValueForLanguage('mediumDMTKASDEMEDIUM', languageId, verbundJson, "first") 
177 /> 
178 <@debugJsonString verbundJsonString "ADT_KASDE_DYNAMIC_INTRO-verbundJournalArticle" /> 
179 <#assign meta = meta + { "laufendenummer": laufendenummer } > 
181 <#if coverImg?has_content && coverImg.url?has_content > 
182 <#assign meta = meta + { "coverImg": coverImg.url } > 
183 </#if> 
184 </#if> 
187 <#if meta?has_content> 
188 <#assign data = data + {"meta": meta } > 
189 </#if> 
191 </#if> 
196 <#if layouttpl?contains("LAYOUT_KASDE_VERANSTALTUNGEN_DETAIL")> 
197 <#assign 
198 friendlyUrl = FrontendService.article.getFriendlyUrl(primaryKey, languageId, groupId)!"" 
199 languages = entry.getAvailableLanguageIds() 
200 links = [] 
201 /> 
202 <#if languages?has_content && friendlyUrl?has_content> 
203 <#if (languages?size > 1) > 
204 <#list languages as language> 
205 <#assign 
206 defaultLanguage = "de_DE" 
207 defaultLocale = FrontendService.language.getLocaleByKey(defaultLanguage) 
208 linkLocale = (FrontendService.language.getLocaleByKey(language))!defaultLocale 
209 langFriendlyUrl = FrontendService.article.getFriendlyUrl(primaryKey, linkLocale, groupId) 
211 link = { 
212 "key": language!defaultLanguage, 
213 "value": linkLocale.getDisplayLanguage(languageId), 
214 "url": "/c/portal/update_language?p_l_id=" + 
215 layout.plid + "&redirect=" + langFriendlyUrl + 
216 "&languageId=" + language 
218 /> 
219 <#if language == languageId> 
220 <#assign link = link + { "selected": "true" } > 
221 </#if> 
222 <#assign links = links + [link]> 
223 </#list> 
224 <#assign 
225 data = data + { 
226 "languageSelect": { 
227 "id": "languageSelectRedirect", 
228 "name": "languageselectRedirect", 
229 "entries": links, 
230 "label": languageUtil.get(languageId, "") 
233 /> 
234 </#if> 
235 </#if> 
236 </#if> 
238 <#if hasContent('erscheinungsdatum', languageId, json)> 
239 <#assign 
240 startdate = getValueForLanguage('erscheinungsdatum', languageId, json, "first") 
241 meta = meta + { "start": startdate?date.iso, "end": "" } 
242 /> 
243 </#if> 
245 <#if hasContent('startdatum', languageId, json)> 
246 <#assign 
247 startdate = getValueForLanguage('startdatum', languageId, json, "first") 
248 meta = meta + { "start": startdate?date.iso, "end": "" } 
249 /> 
250 </#if> 
252 <#if hasValue('einfuehrungText', locale, json)> 
253 <#assign data = data + { "einfuehrungText" : getValueForLanguage('einfuehrungText', locale, json, "first") } > 
254 <#elseif hasValue(FrontendService.article.getFieldNameByReferenceName(primaryKey, 'einfuehrungText'), locale, json, "first")> 
255 <#assign data = data + { "einfuehrungText" : getValueForLanguage(FrontendService.article.getFieldNameByReferenceName(primaryKey, 'einfuehrungText'), locale, json, "first") } > 
256 </#if> 
258 <#if hasContent('endedatum', languageId, json)> 
259 <#assign 
260 enddate = getValueForLanguage('endedatum', languageId, json, "first") 
261 meta = meta + { "end": enddate?date.iso } 
262 /> 
263 </#if> 
265 <#if hasContent('startzeit', languageId, json)> 
266 <#assign 
267 startzeit = getValueForLanguage('startzeit', languageId, json, "first") 
268 /> 
269 <#if startzeit?has_content > 
270 <#assign meta = meta + { "startzeit": startzeit } /> 
271 </#if> 
272 </#if> 
274 <#if hasContent('endezeit', languageId, json)> 
275 <#assign 
276 endezeit = getValueForLanguage('endezeit', languageId, json, "first") 
277 meta = meta + { "endezeit": endezeit } 
278 /> 
279 </#if> 
281 <#if hasContent('ortWCSKASDEORT', languageId, json)> 
282 <#assign 
283 ortWCSKASDEORT = FrontendService.json.parseAsJson(getValueForLanguage('ortWCSKASDEORT', languageId, json, "first")) 
284 ortWCSKASDEORTPrimaryKey = ortWCSKASDEORT.classPK?number 
285 ortWCSKASDEORTWebContent = FrontendService.article.getWebcontentByPk(ortWCSKASDEORTPrimaryKey)!"" 
286 /> 
287 <#if ortWCSKASDEORTWebContent?has_content > 
288 <#assign 
289 ortWCSKASDEORTTitle = ortWCSKASDEORTWebContent.getTitle(languageId)!"" 
290 /> 
291 <#if ortWCSKASDEORTTitle?has_content > 
292 <#assign 
293 meta = meta + { "ortWCSKASDEORT": ortWCSKASDEORTTitle } 
294 /> 
295 </#if> 
296 </#if> 
297 </#if> 
300 <#if hasContent('veranstaltungsnummer', languageId, json)> 
301 <#assign 
302 verauuid = getValueForLanguage('veranstaltungsnummer', languageId, json, "first") 
303 meta = meta + { "verauuid": verauuid } 
304 /> 
305 </#if> 
308 <#if (data.meta)?has_content > 
309 <#assign meta = data.meta /> 
310 </#if> 
312 <#if !( && hasContent('mediumDMTKASDEMEDIUM', languageId, json)> 
313 <#assign 
314 medium = getValueForLanguage('mediumDMTKASDEMEDIUM', languageId, json, "first") 
315 mediaData = getRelatedMediaObject(medium, themeDisplay, languageId, FrontendService, "hd-resolution") 
316 /> 
317 <#assign data = data + { "media": mediaData.url , "meta" : mediaData.meta} > 
320 <#if mediaData.meta?? && mediaData.meta.quelle??> 
321 <#assign meta = meta + data.meta + { "quelle": mediaData.meta.quelle } /> 
322 </#if> 
323 </#if> 
326 <#if meta?has_content> 
327 <#assign data = data + {"meta": meta } > 
328 </#if> 
330 <#-- END fill meta data --> 
332 <#if hasContentForSequence('autorenWCSKASDEPERSON', languageId, json)> 
333 <#assign 
334 journalArticles = getValueForLanguageAnsprechpartner('autorenWCSKASDEPERSON', languageId, json) 
335 authors = [] 
336 /> 
337 <#list journalArticles as articleString> 
338 <#assign article = FrontendService.json.parseAsJson(articleString) /> 
339 <#if article?has_content && article?is_hash && article.classPK??> 
340 <#assign articleDereferenced = FrontendService.person.resolveContactInstanceToPerson(article, languageId)!"" /> 
341 <#if articleDereferenced?has_content > 
342 <#assign 
343 author = "" 
344 articlePrimaryKey = articleDereferenced.classPK?number 
345 articleJsonString = FrontendService.article.getWebcontent(articlePrimaryKey) 
346 articleJson = FrontendService.json.parseAsJson(articleJsonString) 
347 /> 
348 <@debugJsonString articleJsonString "ADT_KASDE_DYNAMIC_INTRO-autorenWCSKASDEPERSON" /> 
349 <#if hasValue('anredetitel', languageId, articleJson)> 
350 <#assign author = author + getValueForLanguage('anredetitel', languageId, articleJson, " ") + " "> 
351 </#if> 
352 <#if hasValue('vorname', languageId, articleJson)> 
353 <#assign author = author + getValueForLanguage('vorname', languageId, articleJson, " ") + " "> 
354 </#if> 
355 <#if hasValue('nachname', languageId, articleJson)> 
356 <#assign author = author + getValueForLanguage('nachname', languageId, articleJson, " ") + " "> 
357 </#if> 
359 <#attempt> 
360 <#assign href = FrontendService.article.getFriendlyUrl(articlePrimaryKey, languageId, groupId)!"#" > 
361 <#recover> 
362 <#assign href = "#" > 
363 </#attempt> 
364 <#if href?has_content && href != "#" && href != "/_404"> 
365 <#assign author = '<a href="' + href + '">' + author?trim + '</a>'> 
366 </#if> 
368 <#assign authors = authors + [author?trim]> 
369 </#if> 
370 </#if> 
371 </#list> 
372 <#if authors?has_content> 
373 <#assign data = data + { "author": authors?join(", ") } > 
374 </#if> 
375 </#if> 
377 <#if layouttpl?contains("LAYOUT_KASDE_VERANSTALTUNGEN_DETAIL") > 
378 <#assign categories = FrontendService.category.getCategoriesToArticle(primaryKey, "VERANSTALTUNGSTYP")! > 
379 <#if categories?has_content && categories[0]?has_content > 
380 <#assign data = data + { "category": categories[0].getTitle(languageId,true)! } > 
381 </#if> 
383 <#if hasContent('ausgebucht', languageId, json)> 
384 <#assign data = data + { "ausgebucht" : getValueForLanguage('ausgebucht', languageId, json, "first") }> 
385 </#if> 
387 <#if hasContent('storniert', languageId, json)> 
388 <#assign data = data + { "storniert" : getValueForLanguage('storniert', languageId, json, "first") }> 
389 </#if> 
391 <#elseif layouttpl?contains("LAYOUT_KASDE_PUBLIKATIONEN_DETAIL") > 
392 <#assign categories = FrontendService.category.getCategoriesToArticle(primaryKey, "PUBLIKATIONSREIHE")! > 
393 <#if categories?has_content && categories[0]?has_content > 
394 <#assign data = data + { "category": categories[0].getTitle(languageId,true)! } > 
395 </#if> 
396 <#else> 
397 <#assign categories = FrontendService.category.getCategoriesToArticle(primaryKey, "THEMA")! > 
398 <#if categories?has_content && categories[0]?has_content > 
399 <#assign data = data + { "category": categories[0].getTitle(languageId,true)! } > 
400 </#if> 
401 </#if> 
404 <#assign 
405 languages = [] 
406 /> 
408 <#attempt> 
409 <#if json["document_pdfDMTBASICDOCUMENT"]?? > 
410 <#list json["document_pdfDMTBASICDOCUMENT"]?keys as pdf_language> 
411 <#if pdf_language?has_content > 
412 <#assign 
413 docRefJson = getValueForLanguage('document_pdfDMTBASICDOCUMENT', pdf_language, json, "first") 
414 docRef = FrontendService.json.parseAsJson(docRefJson) 
415 /> 
416 <#if docRef?is_hash && pdf_language != languageId > 
417 <#assign 
418 lang = FrontendService.language.getLocaleByKey(pdf_language)!"" 
419 docGroupId = docRef["groupId"]?number 
420 docUuid = docRef["uuid"] 
421 dMTJsonObject = docGroupId, docUuid, locale ) 
422 dMTLink = dMTJsonObject ) 
423 /> 
424 <#if lang?has_content> 
425 <#assign 
426 languages = languages + [ 
428 "key": pdf_language, 
429 "value": FrontendService.language.getLocaleByKey(pdf_language).getDisplayLanguage(), 
430 "url": dMTLink 
431 }] 
432 /> 
433 </#if> 
434 </#if> 
435 </#if> 
436 </#list> 
437 </#if> 
438 <#recover> 
439 </#attempt> 
441 <#if (languages?size > 0)> 
442 <#attempt> 
443 <#assign 
444 data = data + { "languageSelect": { 
445 "id": "languageSelect", 
446 "name": "languageselect", 
447 "entries": languages, 
448 "documents": "", 
449 "button": "true" 
450 }} 
451 /> 
452 <#recover> 
453 </#attempt> 
454 </#if> 
456 <@PMIntro "ADT_KASDE_DYNAMIC_INTRO" data AMMetadata AMDatetime "bottom" /> 
457 ${FrontendService.article.getEditArticleHtml(primaryKey, themeDisplay)} 
459 <#if data.meta.laufendenummer?has_content !isACColorScheme() && !isVLCColorScheme() && !isDPMColorScheme()> 
460 <div>  
461 <div id="publicationVerbundPagination"> 
462 <@AMPublicationCarousel data.meta.laufendenummer data.meta.coverImg /> 
463 </div> 
464 </div> 
465 </#if> 
467<#elseif (editmode?? && editmode)> 
468 <@errorMessage languageUtil.get(locale, "kein.journalArticle.gefunden") "ADT_KASDE_DYNAMIC_INTRO" layouttpl currentUrl /> 

Asset Publisher

KAS Cambodia paid a courtesy call on H.E Chem Widhya, Secretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

After decades of devastating civil war and the genocidal Khmer Rouge regime, Cambodia was in a devastating state. Up until the 1990s, the country and its various governments were internationally isolated.

The 1990s are generally seen as the starting point of a strategic move in Cambodia’s foreign policy, with the country starting to strengthen its foreign relations with regional and international organizations, as well as embracing multilateral economic cooperation, after years of isolation following the UNTAC-led general elections in 1993.

One of the most important strategic moves was Cambodia’s accession into the Association of Southeast Asian Nations in 1999 and the final admission into the World Trade Organization in 2004.

Since then, ASEAN has become one of the most important pillars of Cambodia’s foreign policy and remains the corner stone of its multilateral economic diplomacy as seen by Cambodia’s participation and contributions to ASEAN’s working mechanisms. 

International Relations is one of the six main objectives of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Cambodia Office. We, as KAS Cambodia, aim to strengthen Cambodia’s dialogue with its regional partners and neighbors as well as with Germany and the European Union. Supporting a values-based multilateral international order, we endeavor to keep the dialogue open between European and German actors and the Royal Government in the field of international politics and security cooperation.

Konrad-Adenauer Foundation believes in a world and regional order that is free of great power domination and we try to do our part in fostering cooperation and peace between actors. The Indo-Pacific as a strategic space and strengthening the multilateral world order are two of the key regional topics that we promote in Cambodia and the region.

KAS has been working with important local partners ranging from the government to think tanks, academic institutions, scholars, and youths. KAS has been actively engaging and supporting the IR community by producing various publications on timely topics, organizing regular seminars/workshops/conferences/public lectures, and being a platform for open and inclusive political dialogue.

There are a number of annual flagship initiatives that are being implemented under Foreign Affairs. Those include Diplomatic Briefing publication, and other regional trending publications; Horizon Fellowship, a Young IR Scholars program, Adenauer Young Scholars For Excellence, a Public Policy Fellowship program, KAS-CICP Public Lecture Series, IR Policy Forum, etc.

Read on to learn more about who we are and what we do in the country.

Team & Topics


KAS Cambodia regularly publishes its research in a range of formats, from country reports to single title publications to recurring series. Please have a look under 'publications' to learn more about what is available from KAS and contact us in case you have inquiries or wish to learn more about a specific topic.

Cambodia 2040 is a recently concluded book series together with our partners FutureForum, covering the whole breadth of our topics. Our experts look at all the issues facing Cambodia now and in the future and try to make reasonable presumptions what a future Cambodia might look like. Have a look at the three available issues here.


The Diplomatic Briefing is a biannual collection of categorized opinion pieces and short articles from an extended network of the scholarly community and regional experts, covering a wide range of issues from international relations, to sub-regional affairs, to foreign policy, to economic and trade, and beyond. Get the available digital issues from our website and learn where you can get a print-copy.


Cambodia's ASEAN Chairmanship was published on the occasion of the Kingdom of Cambodia taking over the ASEAN Chairmanship in 2022, KAS Cambodia and the Asian Vision Institute (AVI) have come together to look at the priorities and challenges that lie ahead. In 14 chapters some of the most renowned experts and researchers on the region reflect on the state of ASEAN and analyse the opportunities and difficulties the Cambodian Chairmanship may encounter. This book offers key insights for researchers, analysts, policy makers, advisers and practitioners in the field to ensure a successful Chairmanship. Get the available digital issues from our website here.


The IR Policy Forum is a once yearly event together with our partners at the International Relations Institute of Cambodia (IRIC, see below) to discuss important developments and issues throughout the year.

Public Lecture co-organized by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Cambodia and our partners, is a public lecture that brings researchers, diplomats, experts and practitioners to discuss about relevant current international relations and global politics topics and issues with interested students.


Horizon Fellowship

Horizon Fellowship is a training program, which equips its participants with relevant social, communicative and technical skills to contribute in the long-term to fruitful and constructive dialogue between Europe and Asia. This program is designed to provide beyond the studies insights into the potential working environment. By providing exclusive access to current policy-makers, IR experts, diplomats and other practitioners, participants will extend their knowledge and deepen their understanding of international relations and diplomacy. Furthermore, the students will learn practical hands-on skill by conducting their own research project, simulation games and event projects.

Our partners


The Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace (CICP) is an independent, neutral and bipartisan research institute in Phnom Penh. The CICP promotes national as well as regional dialogue between government representatives, national and international institutions, scholars and representatives of the private sector. Focused on the fields of peace, democracy, civil society, security and foreign policy, conflict resolution and economics, the CICP is positioned in a broad context, providing special expertise. Together with the CICP, KAS in Cambodia has, over many years, developed a mutual understanding as project partners. This can be seen in the execution of common projects such as international conferences on topics concerning the role of Cambodia in international relations.

Learn more on their website.



The International Relations Institute of Cambodia (IRIC) is a governmental research institution and part of the Royal Academy of Cambodia (RAC). IRIC is academically independent and devotes its research towards topics concerning Cambodia’s foreign policy as well as topics which have a great impact on social and societal relevance. To enhance this research, national and international scholars are brought together for IRIC’s research projects. These research projects almost always aim at policy proposals for Cambodia. Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) cooperates with IRIC on many projects, e.g. on conferences and publications.

Learn more on their website.


The Asian Vision Institute (AVI) is an independent think tank based in Cambodia. It aims at promoting inclusive growth and people-centred development, conducting practical policy and program research, strengthening cross-sectoral partnerships and collaboration and advancing knowledge sharing and building leadership and innovation capacity.

Learn more on their website.





The Institute of International Studies and Public Policy (IISPP) is the first public policy school of the Royal University of Phnom Penh; providing both graduate and undergraduate programs in the fields of International Relations/Affairs, Economics. and Political Science/Public Policy.

Learn more on their website.

Asset Publisher


Chhayheng Soth

Portrait Chhayheng Soth

Program Manager +855 87 880 994

Asset Publisher