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The Offshore Energy Potential of the Black Sea

by George Scutaru
There are security challenges in the Black Sea. What can one realistically hope for from natural gas production there?

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Quelle: Shutterstock
With the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Black Sea gained strategic importance from both a military and civilian perspective. Food security, grain transport, energy security and the extraction of fossil resources or military security and the fighting in the Black Sea affect the security of the region, Romania and all of Europe. That's why we believe it is very important to understand these events. To this end, together with the New Strategy Center, we have prepared an initial study on the strategic importance of the Black Sea and on projects to extract fossil fuels from offshore areas. The most important aspects of the study are that the investment in "Neptune Deep" offers Romania the opportunity to completely free itself from dependence on Russian gas, and also has the potential to become the main exporter of natural gas in the European Union.

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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. & New Strategy Center